Kalgoorlie to Perth

After touring Kal for a bit I headed west.

My bum was now starting to feel like it had done a few rounds with Mike Tyson, but it was the last leg and I wanted to get home today. So plenty of stops.

I thought the road to Southern Cross was bad when I received a text from Gavo saying it was bad on the other side. Great. Thinking back on it now, I didn’t realise Main Roads have perfected corrugated bitumen. Absolutely atrocious.

Ps. Gavo rode from Eucla to home in 1 day – about 15 hours in the saddle. Ouch.

Rather than taking the usual way in to Perth I figured I’d detour via York. The road wasn’t the best (to York) but the high speed twisties hopefully rounded out my square tyres from the Nullabor.

Eucla to Kalgoorlie

Since I was awake from those frigging chooks I left early.

From about Madura all the way east to Eucla there’s an escarpment that dominates the landscape. It only seems to be about 50m high, but bloody hell is it long. 182km by my calculations:

Overlooking Madura:

As I was leaving the lookout I passed Gavo (also of OzSToc). We chatted for a bit and then decided to ride together until I broke off for Kalgoorlie while he went on to Coogardie.

Having missed the opportunity with Glen on the way east, I couldn’t pass up this one coming back. The 90-Mile Straight…