I’d forgotten to mention – on my way from Kunanurra to Lake Argle, a little kangaroo swiped the left rear of my DIY trailer. It kept going, I barely noticed a bump, so I did too given I was just around the corner from finishing for the day.
I woke this morning and noticed one of the brackets holding the left mudguard on had broken – I can only assume the impact had done the damage. So, I got out some cable-ties, and fixed it to the frame again – it would probably do until I found a hardware store in Katherine to replace the bracket properly (I didn’t want to go back to Kunanurra).

While I was attending to that, I noticed “light” coming through the floor of the cargo-pod I used. I emptied it and checked it over and found 4 separate areas of cracks – near where the steel/alloy runners bolt on to the frame. Shite! This could be disastrous! Out came the famous 100mph tape, repaired it as best I could, and also secure tied-down straps around the pod onto the frame.

If this holds out, it’ll be annoying, but I only go into the pod when I setup camp anyway. However, if it doesn’t hold out, then I’ll need to do something drastic. Fingers crossed. I can only imagine that these things are designed for roof-racks 6’ above the ground with cushy modern car suspension underneath – not 1’ above some fairly stiff suspension.
Anyway, due to the temporary repairs, I was late to leave Lake Argyle. First, was a quick ride up to the lookout above the lake:

You’re quickly across the border and into the NT – and a time-zone adjustment. So, it would be later than normal into Katherine.
Scenery was normal – all fascinating. However, my attention was mostly on my left mirror checking to see if I still had a trailer for most of the trip (ps. my temporary right-mirror fell off in the heat ☹ ).

The most notable thing on this leg of the trip though was just how crap the NT roads are. Think corrugated bitumen. Since vibrations were the likely cause of the damage to the pod it made me even more anxious.
About half-way along the trip is Timber Creek sitting alongside the Victoria River below an impressive escarpment. The town itself is rather “meh”, but the surrounds are worth a visit. (wait for the vids)
The heat and humidity set in – 39 for most of the trip, and storm clouds in the distance. So, it was ride, stop, drink, douse, rinse, repeat.
No camping tonight – I’m staying with my brother-in-law’s sister just out of Katherine… and they have air-conditioning. Just as well – a thunderstorm approaches. Camping tonight would not be fun.
Tomorrow I’ll stop in to the local hardware store, grab a new bracket and screws, more magic tape (lots), cable ties, etc. I think I’ve not planned the next few days well. I was originally going to stay in Katherine for 2 days, allowing a nice gorge walk… but in 39c heat with thunderstorms probably isn’t wise. So, I think it’s best that I get the trailer fixed, head off for a shortish ride south tomorrow, perhaps Daly Waters, then shorten the riding each day to Mount Isa.