Pemberton to Ravensthorpe

Well, as previously stated… a plan is just a plan… due to the late night previous, I departed Pemby later than I’d hoped. I’d originally planned the route via Windy Harbor and Greens Pool, but given the temp was barely 19, I decided to skip them. I followed the coast through Denmark and the scenic drive to Albany.

Nice drive but not much to say here other than it seemed to be the day for roadworks. Making it worse, my lovely black ST is now covered with dried gravel mud! It will need washing before Middleton – I couldn’t possibly let the others see her in that state.

He’s a few photos of the Albany area…

Dog Rock

From Mt. Clarence…

And our old house in Collingwood Rd. I was 6yo when we left.
(clearly they got the election wrong)…

I did actually hurl myself up the hill (on foot) at Mt. Clarence only to find the lookout was closed off for renovations. So all it did was make me even more sweaty than normal… again great for motorcycle gear!

Because of a lack of time I also had to skip a detour to Ken & Priscilla’s in Bremer Bay. One thing I learnt from the previous day was my plan was a little too tight. The detour would have cost me another 90 minutes and I’d end up trying to put up my tent in the dark. As it was I got to Ravensthorpe with only 30 minutes of light left. I had plenty of light, but a frigging bull ant made it as difficult as possible!

Just out of town I had to slow down and into 2nd gear to allow for an eagle to leave the fresh road kill. It’s funny… As you approach it you first see lots of birds feasting. The little maggies leave first, then the bigger crows take off when you get closer, which leaves this giant dark triangular shaped thing standing over it refusing to budge – clearly top of his food chain. It continues to stand there staring you down as if it’s saying “Mine. F*** off!”. Eventually he leaves realising he’s the smaller, circling around behind you to return.

No photos of Ravensthorpe, but you’ll thank me later – not much of a town really – only a halfway point for those traveling on to Esperance me thinks.

Glen and I walked up to the pub for a meal. Clearly catering for the rich FIFOs, we paid $25 for a roast Lamb dinner (ouch).

We discussed our plans for tomorrow’s run to Caiguna and decided on an early start. All of my sightseeing would be put on hold for my return journey. We worked out you have a shortened day if you’re traveling in an easterly direction and we simply couldn’t afford any delays. Plus, this trip really is more about the ride.

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