Day 25 – Theme Park Observations

I still have about 4 days of posts to complete. I’m almost there but the Hard Rock are a bit stingy with their wifi.

However, rather than wait to finish them first, I figured I’d post some observations while I sit waiting for the kids to come out of The Mumny for about the 23rd time.

So, after 2.5 days in theme parks:
– these theme parks are a lot of fun for most;
– Universal and Disney spare nothing when it comes to detail. After all, the more authentic it is, the more people will want to come, stay at their hotels, & buy their merchandise.
– it is sensory overload: sights, smells, motion, & noise – oh the non-stop noise!
– there’s a very surprising number of people using gopher carts across the age groups. Not sure why, but I doubt our own parents would do a theme park in one. They’d rather die first.
– a lot of parents and grandparents line the streets parking themselves on any chair/seat/wall they can find. Some of them have been there for hours & many are very grumpy… they should have a) left a long time ago, or b) never come in the first place. They on their phones like me. D’oh!

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