Day 18 – NY – American Museum of Natural History

We had a scheduled singing lesson for Grace today at midday, so we split a visit to the American Museum of Natural History in two around the lesson.

You might recognise this as the one (or parts thereof) used in the movies Night At The Museum. It kinda looks similar, but given the damage in the movie, it was either CGI or just a set at another location.

This is largely a great big set of dioramas, each laid out as a representative scene of whatever was displayed. It ranged from insects to small rodents to horses to elephants to a blue whale. The collection started back in 1869 (different location) and has been updated continually ever since. In 1999 a planetarium was added. It was really quite well done.

The main entrance, complete with the dinosaurs:20150112_103356



Easter Island Head (who called Ben Stiller’s character “Dum Dum”):20150112_110154


No Capuchian (hahaha – “Kampuchean” is wrong Mr. auto-correct!) monkeys, but plenty of others:20150112_10425120150112_10364320150112_162816

Look! a flying shark!20150112_162116

In the Planetarium we watched the same movie (30mins) that we missed in San Francisco – lucky) about Dark Matter. I tried to have a science lesson with Ellie & Grace but they rolled their eyes pretty quickly.20150112_165453 20150112_165406 20150112_170105

We sensed Grace’s boredom (after all it was a holiday, so why was she in a museum?) so we didn’t cover it all. Added to out “next time” list.

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