Day 17 – Times Square

Since we had quite a late night last night, we didn’t rush out of bed. Our only commitment was the matinee performance.

We started with another visit to Times Square to see it in daylight. I’d really like to have that kick-arse telly you can see on the right!wpid-picsart_1421061637157.jpgIMG_0687

The girls then had their nails done (mine were fine), so I grabbed 3 weekly passes to the subway, then a coffee.

We promised ourselves we’d have a hotdog from one off those street vendors with a cart in New York. At Bunnings you get a nice one for $2.50, which is probably why I feel a little ripped off paying $5 USD. Still we had the experience.

Ellie had consumed her 1GB of data in the first week, so we went and upped her plan. I then checked our the new Nexus 6 while the girls went shopping for makeup (I had plenty)  – cos, you know, you can’t buy it back home.

The matinee we saw was A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder. Ellie had heard good things about this through her research but the cast was relatively unknown – no stars. The two male leads were brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed it – a great laugh from beginning to end.

Unfortunately, Gracie had a bit of a headache (instead of me for a change) so we headed back to the hotel to let her rest before dinner.

We went to Virgil’s BBQ on a recommendation from an Aussie lady we met in the hotel laundry (we’ve met lots of Aussies so far by the way). Great food but as usual ridiculous portions. I “only” had the Memphis BBQ Pork Ribs – the corn bread and 2 sides (rice & mash) weren’t optional. Ellie had the chicken coated in crushed cornflakes, saltines and potato chips, smothered in country gravy. She asked if I’d like to share some “jalapeno poppers” at which point I reminded her (& Grace) of the portion sizes. So, she asked the waiter, he said they’re not that bit – holding his thumb and forefinger up suggesting a size not much bigger than a bee’s nose. He saw her coming. I told her so.wpid-picsart_1421061667298.jpg

In an attempt to keep the calories and $$ down, we stopped at the 24 hour supermarket around the corner from the hotel for some breakfast cereal, fruit, water, …. & chocolate (fail!).

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