Day 59 – Victor Harbor To Adelaide (168 km)

A short-ish ride today… just down to Cape Jervis and then back up to Adelaide as I’ll be staying with our great family friends Derek & Julia… starting of course with the obligatory quick ride around town before departing… just a refresher really as I remember my visit in 2013 quite vividly now. Victor Harbor (spelling correct now) is a very nice & clean town and it’s little wonder one of the go-to places for holidays from Adelaide.

It was a lovely scenic run down Fleurieu Way that provides a nice view of the peninsula, cutting through farmland left and right to the water on both sides.

A ferry links Cape Jervis to Kangaroo Island. It’s meant to be a good visit for a few days, but my timeline didn’t allow for any such diversions, so it was just a look-see.

The temp was getting high now – up over 30. Since there’s no point sitting on a freeway when on holidays I’d taken the coastal (as best as possible) route to Port Adelaide. I persevered in this but I was starting to hit traffic, slowing me down, and making it even more steamy. So, as I neared the CBD I jumped on the freeway and headed for a bike shop recommended for a new rear tyre.

There was quite a bit of tread left, but the phrase “it would probably get you to Perth” didn’t cut it. The risk of not quite making it for the sake of a few $ worth of rubber was not worth the hassle and stress. Once done, I headed to Derek & Julia’s who were kind enough to put me up for the evening. D&J are very close friends of the family on Ellie’s side who I’ve known since before we got married – lovely people.