Day 53 – Deloraine To Devonport (52 km)

It’s a sad day – I have to leave this beautiful island… but not until this evening as I’m on another overnight ferry. So, Diesel will show me around again.

However, before heading out I changed the oil & filter – 10,000 km since the last one in Cairns. I unhitched the trailer first (we’d come back to get it before heading to the ferry), refueled, and we were off.

It was pretty much just follow-the-leader (a lot more than 52 km). We made use of our intercoms again and Diesel was providing a great narration for the trip as tour guide, as well as providing warnings about gravel, cars, tractors, etc. This mean I could have a little bit more of a look around.

We started with a ride up the Central Palteau to see the Great Lakes (camera/operator malfunction – no piccie of the lakes):

Quite a thrilling ride with mix of long sweeping high-speed bends, straights, and hair-pins, and a completely different landscape at the top:

We then stopped for lunch back in Deloraine at the “Cruzin’ in the 50s Diner” – something I definitely did not expect to see there. No photos are allowed inside, but here’s their Facebook page: (scroll down to the gallery) … and they served really nice burgers too!

We went back to grab the trailer, then did a bit of a loop. We visited Sheffield again where the whole town gets involved in painting murals on the sides of buildings (these were taken on the day I arrive in Deloraine):

Then past Mount Roland again, “Nowhere Else” (where I forgot to stop to get a photo with Mr OzFox dammit!), Paloona Dam, Gunns Plains, and Riana.

As Diesel pointed out several times, just look at the colour of their dirt – now wonder things are green!

We finished with a beer at Forth before Diesel and I parted ways.

It was a great way to end a fantastic visit to Tassie – many thanks again to a great bloke! I had another window/front-row seat on the ferry – watching Devonport disappear with that very empty feeling.

I think I gave the Apple Isle a good going over. I know there were lots I missed and just glossed over, but I know I’ll be back with Ellie sometime.