Day 34 – Canberra (0 km)

Lindsay left me to my own devices (he had to work) so I took the opportunity to do a few errands. I’d lost my rear brakes momentarily back in Kyogle. While they had behaved ever since, I was always a little concerned. So, I took the bike into the local Honda, pleaded my case, and they carried out an inspection while I waited. No problems as far as they were concerned – everything seemed normal. Although I still didn’t know what was the cause, I figured I’d just keep monitoring the situation.

I was due at another friend’s house later that day for 2 nights stay, so I took a ride around. First up was Mount Stromlo (I’m sure I’d be an astronomer in a different life) which was devastated by the Canberra fires in 2003:

Then Tidbinbilla:

I retraced my steps back to Canberra and stopped at the dam – it took a while of riding around, a few wrong turns, etc. before I realised you can’t actually drive across the dam wall. Oh well. Clearly the dam was full:

I arrived at Ivica’s house mid-afternoon. I was to be a nice relax for a few days. After settling it, I grabbed the tent and dried it out in the back yard – it was still saturated from the rain and fog from Katoomba.

Later in the day Ivica’s wife Jeannie and kids Mark and Sonia arrived. It was great to finally meet them – I’d known of them for some time through conversations with Ivica – they made me feel right at home. Jeannie prepared a fantastic fish dinner – I rarely get to each fish at home!