Day 14 – Mount Vernon

Today we visited Mount Vernon – home of George Washington. Roughly 500 acres on the edge of the Potomac River south of Washington DC. It is now owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, who preserve, restore, and manage the estate.

In the visitors’ centre, a sculture of George & Martha, and their Martha’s grandchildren (who they raised):



This is where George Washington retired to after his presidency, and later died (of asphyxiation due to a throat infection),

It is displayed with furniture that was both originally owned by him, and those that are representative of the time. It started as only the lower floor and middle third. Over the years, it has expanded to what appears today. We joined a guided tour provided by Association volunteers. No doubt, they are immensely proud of their 1st president.

The house itself (as usual, no photos allowed inside):

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There are more than a dozen individual buildings on the estate, including stables, workshops, kitchens, laundry, etc. The house itself was essentially just sitting, dining, and bed rooms.

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The view of the Potomac from the front porch:


After touring the house, we walked the grounds a little:



George Washington’s tomb. PicsArt_1420910906326


In his will, George Washington requested his slaves receive their freedom. In the 1983 this memorial to the African Americans who served as slaves and died there was erected to recognise their contribution to the estate: PicsArt_1420911031014

We had a Capitol tour booked for the afternoon, so we had to leave before we’d walked the grounds completely. It’s becoming quite clear we’re going to have to visit the US again.


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